Police Lights in Settle Washington

Washington State Takes Bold Step to Protect Hotel and Motel Workers with Panic Button Law

From dealing with difficult guests to working alone in guest rooms, hotel/motel workers often face potential security threats. To address these concerns, Washington State has enacted a pioneering panic button law to safeguard the safety of hotel/motel employees. In this article, we will delve into the details of this law and introduce Silent Beacon, an…

What Washington State’s Panic Button Law Means For Employees

Feeling secure in one’s work environment is fundamental for overall employee well-being. Unfortunately, many workers, particularly in the retail and hospitality sectors, confront serious issues of harassment and assault at their places of work. However, a crucial solution to enhance employee safety at work is available through the Washington State Panic Button law, RCW 49.60.515.…

A silent beacon with wristband in the foreground with a legal gavel sitting on its side. In the background a map of the US with red stars over states that require panic buttons.

Satisfy your State’s Safety Mandates​ for a Safer Tomorrow

Silent Beacon’s Comprehensive Guide to Panic Button Compliance and Brand Directives In recent times, the hospitality sector has been emphasizing measures to bolster the hygiene and security of its venues. The 5-Star Assurance stands as a pivotal safety commitment made by top-tier hotel chains, encompassing the provision of panic buttons for hotel staff within the…

Nursing Assistants Safety Tips and Powerful Insights

Oftentimes, throughout this year especially, medical workers everywhere have proven themselves to be real-life superheroes. They are continuously working through long. The tiring hours with little to no breaks trying to treat those who have fallen ill. Or in today’s climate, fallen victim to coronavirus. It’s somewhat inarguable that they deserve endless amounts of praise…

Revolutionizing Hotel Safety: The Shift to Wearable Panic Buttons

Discover why hotels are transitioning from traditional transmitters to modern wearable panic buttons like Silent Beacon for enhanced staff safety. In the hospitality industry, the safety of employees is paramount. With recent legislation mandating panic buttons for hotel staff, there’s a significant shift from traditional transmitter and receiver systems to more advanced, wearable devices like…

5 Ways to Stay Safe During National Safety Month

As the weather is warming up and some states begin to enter their COVID-19 recovery plans, the gleam of summer is beginning to shine through. However, there are still risks present in our daily activities. June is National Safety Month, and this year the National Safety Council is shining the spotlight on unique challenges including…

The Self-Defense Difference: Silent Beacon’s Life-Saving Features

Over the years, traditional safety devices have helped make people feel safer when exploring alone, in the dark, or in unknown areas. However, in an emergency, safety tools like pepper spray and cell phones have certain limitations when you are faced with a life-threatening situation. The Silent Beacon wearable panic button is the new and…

Home Healthcare Worker Safety During COVID-19

Recently, healthcare workers are being worked extremely hard as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers are pulling long shifts with few breaks. Home healthcare workers who visit patients’ homes become more crucial as hospitals are at capacity and nursing homes remain on lockdown as a coronavirus safety measure. Challenges…

How Silent Beacon Can Help Essential Lone Workers Stay Safe During COVID-19

Many individuals who are fortunate enough to remain employed during COVID-19 are currently working remotely from home, trying to get used to this change in routine. However, there are thousands of essential workers who still need to go into work every day. Many who are considered “lone workers”, or employees who perform a job that…